2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the most influential musical ensemble to emerge, literally and figuratively, from the shores of America. The ongoing lega...
Within you will find a fair representative sampling of my abilities and their application. I am equally versed in the realms of feature and news writing, print and broadcast work, content marketing, brand journalism, and all aspects of Marketing, PR and Communications.
I will constantly be adding previous works as they are unearthed, and new material as I creatively go forth. But as I've written about countless subjects and topics, and developed content-based marketing initiatives for practically every segment of business imaginable, feel free to contact me about your unique demands in the editorial or copywriting realms. If you have a story that needs telling, I'll help you tell it. Thanks.
Use the tabs on the right--> to help refine your look at my past endeavors and, in some cases, adventures.
2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the most influential musical ensemble to emerge, literally and figuratively, from the shores of America. The ongoing lega...
One of the leading manufacturers of industrial laundry equipment, GA Braun, and the announcement of their foray into customer-product financing.
Sometimes the smaller jobs are just as essential to a client as a major communications project. CEI--Engineers & Contractors of Florida are specialists ...
A press release for the largest heavy equipment rental service in New York's Hudson River Valley region.
"When is a 25% loss of inventory an acceptable price of doing business? It doesn’t happen. It’s bad business. Yet for a majority of operators in the texti...
It was a mantra drilled into us as school children—“Safety First.” And of all our early “life lessons,” that may be the one most apropos to today’s laundry ...
One of the great scourges of the Retail Industry this past decade --both online and brick & mortar-- has been the hacking of consumer credit card informa...
Executive corporate hires always warrant a press release with an optimistic tone of progressive or bountiful results to come. Here's an example.
When writing an article where multiple sources are quoted frequently throughout, it can become either unwieldly for the reader to follow who's saying what, o...
TRSA (Textile Rental Services Association) is the largest and oldest trade group serving the Professional Laundry Industry. Throughout 2017, I helped them cr...
"Employees often view performance evaluation with apprehension—fearful of criticism, recrimination or even threat of termination. Yet, when this practice is ...
"Preparing for disaster –however improbable or inevitable—is essential in preventing that misfortune from being multiplied by a suspension of your operations...
As I wind through the hills of Bel Air, I am frantically searching for 1111 Linda Flora Drive, the home of Jan Berry—the former leader of ‘60s surf music duo...
In 2016, Dean Torrence, of '60s singing surf duo Jan & Dean, published a long-awaited autobiography that takes the reader back to the guys' heyday and be...
Let’s dispel a myth that too many of us fall back on when we’re formulating business plans in January or at the start of a fiscal year. You don’t have an en...
“Why pound a nail into a board with a hammer when you’ve got a perfectly good fist?” That scenario sounds ludicrous, I know, but it happens —at least in spi...
Where once upon a time the Main Street of every U.S. city sported a local record store, downloads, streaming and online retailers conspired --and largely suc...
For more than a week now, Eric Vinal’s phone has been ringing off the hook. As Film Commissioner for Onondaga County in Central New York, his standard pace ...
As a child actor, Paul Petersen was a fixture in American living rooms —at least the ones with TV sets–portraying Jeff Stone, the irascible son on “The Donna...
Workplace mishaps–especially in mechanized, industrial settings–can be particularly bizarre. For example, take the case of the luggage handler who fell asle...