Meals.com / Mom.com Press Release
Nestle - January 17, 2000
Hired as an Editor/Writer at Internet start-up, Mom.com, I was --as one of my colleagues referred to me-- "the rooster in a hen house." My distaff gender was quickly rendered irrelevant as we all dove into the trenches to help create what was an amazing and robust resource site for women and moms. Mom.com was quickly recognized by corporate entities as a vital portal to a very target-rich audience. One of our early strategic alliances was with Meals.com, another no-brainer that was snapped up by the Nestle brand. In my previous guise as a broadcaster and media programmer, I was inundated with press releases on a daily basis. So I was the logical staffer to start executing Mom.com's PR initiatives. As I recall, this was one of the first.